Llano Fine Arts Guild is pleased to have Jean Hensley as our artist for the March 7th,
2011 "hands on" program. Jean is a member of several art guilds and is currently
president of the Mid-West Texas Artist's Guild of Ballinger. She is also a member of
the Creative Arts Club in Abilene, and teaches a weekly painting class at the Do-Art
Studio in Ballinger, Texas. Jean has won many awards and is generous with her
knowledge, makes learning a fun and easy experience.
This program is a mix media "hands on" called Grayscale Painting. Dollface is a small
oil painting with an acrylic underpainting. Please bring your usual oil painting
supplies, otherwise we will share supplies. All supplies will be provided, but if you
could bring your favorite brushes (some old for using with the acrylic) and some paper
towels. After applying the "grayscale", several designs will be available for the
"doll painting". We will share grafite paper/very soft lead pencil to transfer these
designs. Jean will have several paintings in the process for us to view.
The demo starts at 10 am, Monday March 7th, 2011 at the Llano Fine Arts Gallery. LFAG
is located at 503 Bessemer , next to Chrissy's Bakery. At noon we will serve a potluck
lunch and following at 1pm will be our regular month membership meeting. Come to
learn, stay for the food and fellowship and fun. The public is invited. Your $5
donation covers the demo and the potluck lunch. We look forward to seeing all of you.